Monday, May 30, 2011

Garage sale!

No, I'm not having one... But I thought I'd pass along these handy tips to help your sale be more of a success. The first garage sale I tried was a disaster! We made a few mistakes. So we ended up selling a ton of stuff and making no money. It didn't help that we had a few dishonest customers. Needless to say it was a learning experience and we got to clean out some junk. {Seriously I think we made just enough to go to lunch. So we did} Not the most successful business venture. So here's some tips to help you be more successful than we were that time!
  • Clearly mark every item with a price. And remember to price it a bit more than you want to sell it for. Crazy negotiators!
  • Being part of a community garage sale can be good, because it can bring more traffic, however, then you have competition. People will price shop you, and use it to their advantage in negotiations.
  • Have everything organized and easy to see. Use folding tables and something to hang nicer clothing items on.
  • Have some "test batteries" on hand so people can put them in and see if an item works. 
  • Make sure you have change. Lots of $1's and 5's and a few larger bills. And keep it on you! Unfortunately some people are shady and will take your money box, so use one of these instead.

  • Advertise! Get signs and put an ad on Craigslist listing a few "eye catching" items. I found these gems here! they could be a little pricey, but if you save them and use them at every years garage sale, they'd be worth it.

  • For more tips you can check out THIS website.
    Good luck and Go make some money and get rid of some clutter!

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