Thursday, May 24, 2012

Life is busy right now. Blake graduated from VPK last night, Oh gosh it was cute. Hopefully I can get a post up on that soon... I haven't forgotten about the romper I promised to show you how to make either, But when Blake saw the fabric that I was planning to make the romper out of, He begged for a shirt... So I made a shirt instead. Mike and I are going to Miami in about 3 weeks so I'm on "Chicken breasts, brown rice, fruits, veggies, and protein shakes"... Strictly. I'm having caffeine {I was a 5 hour energy addict} and sugar withdraws {I was an oatmeal cookie dough addict}...  At the same time...  So, I'm a bit grumpy. I'm trying to find a routine for summer that will work, trying to fit in scripture study, {For myself and with the kids} healping Blake become a champion reader before kindergarten, math, spelling, and I am going to teach Blake and LaLa how to read music so that by October when we move they will be ready to dive into piano and violin lessons. So, Until I get my head on straight, I may be MIA.

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