Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Here's a rundown of the last month.

Searched for leappads for my kiddos for Christmas... I started in OCTOBER!

It only took me an entire month to track them down. {Insert eye roll here} Like searching everyday. Stalking online and in the stores. Seriously the coolest toy I think I have ever seen. And they learn SO SO much with it. They love their leapser explorer and all the games we have for that will work with this! And now, I'm half tempted to put them on ebay....They are selling for close to $300! Insanity. No, Not really, I won't do that, It was a pain in the butt to track them down and I only paid $80 for each of them. I love target, And I love coupons, And my Target debit red card!

The kids were sick for about 2 weeks straight. We're finally all better. Well, We were. And then... My wisdom tooth became infected. Possibly because of all the drainage and gross stuff from my sinus and ear infections. AWESOME. I felt like I was going to die. And really still do. I'm doped up on some pretty awesome pain meds right now. Well, Good news and bad news on that. I can't have them taken out. Well, I guess I could, But here's the problem... Most people have 2 roots on each tooth... Not this kid... I have 3. And they all go in different directions, Think baby octopus and that's what the x ray looked like. And the roots wrap around the nerve. So, If I have them removed, It's going to be a horrible surgery and recovery. And I could end  up with permanent nerve damage. Basically, My cheek could be numb indefinitely. Bad. And since I have room in my mouth for my wisdom teeth, I'd have to deal with huge gaping holes in the back of my mouth if I have them removed. So, We're going to put that off as long as we can... Hopefully forever.

So, As I laying in pain on the couch, Thinking the girls are playing in the toyroom, I smell something, and run upstairs. Well, they were upstairs playing... However, LaLa was painting her and Kynzis nails. ON THE WHITE CARPET! With hot pink polish. 

Still can't get it out. We're just going to have to replace the carpet. Mike joked and said, Well, That's a small price to pay...They needed some bonding time. At least they were playing together. {They usually ignore one another, They were both meant to be only children I think....HA! Boy did they get stuck with the wrong family for that!}

Blake had school pictures. Boy he is a handsome little man! And such a ham. That kid has no lack of self confidence that's for sure.

Training for the Disney 1/2 is slow... I haven't been able to run as much as I'd like. I've been sick constantly. Asthma attacks, Ear infections, Sinus infections, And now this wisdom tooth situation... So, I can definitely give up hopes of a 8 minute mile... It's going to be more like 12 I'm sure. And If I have to walk a 16 minute mile so help me I'm doing this thing. {And as a side note can I say that Sarah Poor is a running rockstar. She's my running partner and I'm totally slowing her down. Sorry bout that Sarah... One of these days I won't be sick anymore.}   

I did hit my goal weight. Actually a pound under. So that's nice, But it wasn't everything I expected... I've learned that your body is so different after each kid. Not necessarily on the outside, Well, it is I guess, But definitely on the inside. It's going to take a long time to get back to where I was fitness wise before I was pregnant with Brent. I get tuckered out way easier than I used to. I used to think 2 hours in the gym was just a warm up, Now it takes all I've got in me to get 2 hours done.

Thanksgiving was awesome. My mom is the worlds greatest cook. However, I wish I would have worn sweat pants because my pants were way tight after dinner. Oh man, And I have a new found LOVE for coconut cream pie. Oh crap it's good.

Black Friday shopping... Why do these crazy nut jobs open the stores at midnight and 3 am? Yes, I did go out at midnight. I went to Kohls and Target. Kohls to get a Cars 2 geotrax thing... I'm not even really sure what it is, But Blake wanted it for his birthday. I really had a hard time finding something for him that he really wanted and I knew he'd play with. Mike thought that was funny because every commercial that comes on advertising anything he asks if he can get it for his birthday.
I went to Target because they had the leapster games for $18 instead of $25. And they had this little toy phone for Kynzi. Looking back on it, I almost would rather have spent the extra $100 I saved VS. being super duper sleep deprived. Then my mom and my aunt went out shopping. It's really just more tradition and to hang out than it is to buy anything. Actually, I think the only thing we really bought was some jewelry. But a good time was had by all. I love hanging out with those two.
So, That's what we've been up to. Can you believe it's already DECEMBER?!? Where did this year go? 

1 comment:

  1. Love your update, not so much all the sick parts, that sucks sorry. As for the nail polish, sorry I just laughed, been there, had that, but life goes on and they love their girly stuff. About the geotrax, Gabe got a HUGE set for his birthday and they are AMAZING toys!!! They're practically indestructible, even when kids start fighting, stitching, and throwing, and also when monster babies come crashing through train town. They withstand it all. The fun part is that the sets all match each other so you can keep adding on, I suggest getting some big tubs that way all the parts stay together. In the future, if he isn't picky and just wants new tracks, you can save A LOT of money on CL getting them. I got over $300 worth of tracks and cars for $50 and they all can be clorox wiped clean. I'm excited for him, and the girls, because they'll all have fun. Just be careful if you notice Mike missing you might find him building away too haha. Merry Christmas, sounds like you have a fun one coming.
