Thursday, September 26, 2013

I know. I need to write more. I'll work on that. Maybe. Life is good. No correction, life is great. We have seen the Lord's hand in so many things. Mike and I have seen tremendous blessings from his calling, (He is the 2nd counselor in the bishopric) Seriously, so many tender mercies I couldn't begin to number them. Blake has finally taken a liking to school, and has been focused and has started excelling at his school work. It's starting to come easier to him. He really needed that little boost of confidence. He has also really blossomed spiritually. Michael and I have noticed a difference in the little things. The spirit of our home is so sweet. Life is truly happy and peaceful when it is centered and focused on the teachings of the Savior and his Gospel. Mike and I have both had the opportunity to substitute institute recently. I can't tell you the blessing that it was to both of us. I really can't remember a time that I felt the companionship of the spirit so strong. It cemented the deep love I have for the scriptures. There really is nothing in the world I love doing more than teaching about our Savior.

We have been attending the temple once or twice a month still, and that, I believe, is a huge factor in the happiness and easiness of our marriage. That and personal scripture study and prayer. Really I don't think it would be possible for people to fight with one another if both parties were diligently and honestly seeking and partaking of those blessings daily. I can count on one finger the number of times Mike and I have been in a major disagreement. In our entire marriage. Seriously. That's not to say that we don't disagree or have two different ideas on how to do something, But it's always an easy resolution. And don't tell him this, But in all reality, Mike is always right when it comes to the important stuff. I always find that I was being prideful and not in tune with the spirit. I could never tell you how much I adore and love that man. I know he's not perfect, none of us are, But in my opinion, He's as close as they come. He is always trying to do better, He sees the burdens of others and does his best to ease their pains. I've seen that man kneel by his bedside and commune with his father in heaven night after night for the last 8 years. I've seen him study his scriptures everyday, Most days more than once, They are part of who he is. He has become like his heroes from reading, studying, and learning who they were. He has made several friendships with different verses.
 He is the greatest daddy any kid could ever ask for. He rides bikes, gives horsey rides, paints fingernails, plays ball, goes to the park, races down the water slide, he lives to play with those kids, It's the very best part of his day.
Now, To say that life is super easy and we don't have hardships or heartache or trial, Is simply not the case. We are just to the point right now, That we truly trust in the Lord, and his plans and his timing. We simply have learned that life is much much happier if  you focus on the blessings, And look at the trials and hard things, as an opportunity to come to know the Savior better. To allow him to make you into something more than you are.

So yes, Life is stressful, full of heartache, uncertainty, and sometimes just down right long, hard, and repetitive, Especially if you're a parent. And more especially if you stay at home with 4 little jokers ages 2-6 years old. (Was that too specific to be hypothetical?) But it is so beautiful and happy with this little family of mine. I really have had to work hard to find the joy in the seemingly meaningless tasks, But the Lord has shown me through tiny seconds of inspiration, that he is mindful, and has wonderful plans for me to accomplish if I will let him use me as an instrument in his hands.